From May 19th to May 21th, the Liberation War Museum in Dhaka, organized and hosted with the support of the Foreign Ministry of Bangladesh the 5th International Conference on Bangladesh Genocide and Justice. The three-day conference was open by the Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali by addressing the inaugural session. Speakers from all over the world, discussed the cause of justice for international crimes from various perspectives. The conference provided both empirical and theoretical insights into the changing nature of international criminal law and international humanitarian law and elaborated on the challenges and achievements of both practitioners and academics to develop the existing criminal justice system and remedies in the post conflict scenario. The major focus of the presentations was the Genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, like murder, rape, arson, looting, mass killing, torture perpetrated by the Pakistan Armed Forces during the nine-month long war of liberation leading to the establishment of independent Bangladesh in 1971. In order to do so, the speakers and participants of the conference shed light in various working groups on following issues: Justice for International Crimes: Global and National Context; Domestic Tribunals for International Crime in a comparative perspective; Recognition, Restitution, Rehabilitation of the Victims of Sexual Violence: The Asian Story; Archiving Tribunal Documents: Challenges and Prospects. In the session titled: ‘End of Impunity of Past International Crimes: Way Forward’, Dr. Siegfried O. Wolf, Director of Research, South Asia Democratic Forum (SADF) gave a presentation on “Jamaat-e-Islami: A Threat for Bangladesh and the Need for an International Response”.
Siegfried O. Wolf
Dr. Siegfried O. Wolf, Director of Research at SADF (Coordinator: Democracy Research Programme); he was educated at the Institute of Political Science (IPW) and South Asia Institute (SAI), both Heidelberg University. Additionally he is member (affiliated researcher) of the SAI as well as a former research fellow at IPW and Centre de Sciences Humaines (New Delhi, India). Dr Wolf worked as a consultant to NATO-sponsored periodic strategic independent research and assessment of Afghanistan-Pakistan issues.