On 15 June 2020, the South Asia Democratic Forum (SADF) had the pleasure of hosting a roundtable discussion with Ms Caroline Vinot, Head of South Asia Division at the EEAS; Dr Christophe Jaffrelot, Professor at Science Po and King’s College London; Dr Faisal Devji, Professor of Indian History and Director of the Asian Studies Centre at the University of Oxford, and Mr Paulo Casaca, Executive Director of SADF. The roundtable was moderated by SADF’s Researcher and Advisor, Hannah Madatali.
The discussion took a practical approach to the issues of bringing the work of academics closer to the work of policy-makers, engaging with platforms that exist and that can be further developed to enhance and improve this communication, as well as the role of the South Asia Democratic Forum in connection with European Union services such as the European External Action Service in facilitating this exchange.
SADF is very grateful to Caroline Vinot, Dr Christophe Jaffrelot and Dr Faisal Devji for having contributed to this discussion and therefore played a part in the making of a uniquely qualified pannel. We leave as well a ‘thank you’ to all who joined us from all over the world either via Zoom or our Facebook livestream.