Democracy and Human Rights in Bangladesh
On the 10 August 2023, Conference on Democracy and Human Rights in Bangladesh: Violence Preceding Elections in Perspective, Dhaka, Bangladesh
From August the seven to August eleven, SADF made part of an international team invited by the Bangladesh humanitarian organisation ‘Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP)’ to participate in a series of conferences, media events, visits to institutions and bilateral meetings in Dhaka. The general concern of the mission was on ways forward to strengthen democracy and human rights in the country.
Our team was composed Willem Vandergeest – who is a leading expert on Bangladesh, country that is also his secondary residence – as well as of Madalena Casaca and Paulo Casaca. It cooperated on the ground by SADF senior fellow Professor Sumon Hoque.
The programme included working sessions with both ELCOP and the Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) where both institutions presented themselves and briefed the team on the political situation of the country. Projects undertaken by researchers of both the institutions regarding human rights, violence prevention, minority rights and disinformation were discussed.
A guided visit to the Liberation War Museum, followed by a discussion with its president, Mofidul Hoque, was centred on the factual evidence of the genocide committed by Pakistan military forces in conjunction with local collaborators. The team also learned about the participation of the Museum in international initiatives regarding the genocide as well as its attention to the most recent genocide committed against the Rohingya population.
The team had the opportunity to pay a visit to the International Court Tribunal (ICT) of Bangladesh and to follow-up on its rulings that allowed to break the impunity of the genocide perpetrators that lasted until our day. The ICT-Bangladesh set a model of justice for crimes against humanity that could now start to be implemented elsewhere.
Professor Kamal Ahmed, President of the National Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh, accompanied by several members of his team, received us and explained its functioning. and its perception of the situation of the country. The Commission is fully engaged in combatting the human rights abuses of the country.
The team was received by His Excellency Ambassador Masud Bin Momen, Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh, accompanied by a high-ranking group of senior officials of the Ministry. His Excellency discussed the international political situation and the surprising positions taken recently by some of the most important Western diplomacies regarding Bangladesh.
The team participated in a conference promoted by ELCOP dedicated to the analysis of violence preceding elections. The conference debated a research paper – presented in its draft form on paper – by ELCOP researcher, Biva Mosharraf in the presence of dozens of journalists and members of civil society institutions.
SADF will be working during the months to come on the information received and material gathered so as to better analyse the challenges faced by the country.
Paulo Casaca
Paulo Casaca is the Founder and Executive Director of the ‘South Asia Democratic Forum’; founder of the international co-operation association registered in Brussels ARCHumankind, ‘Alliance to Renew Co-operation among Humankind’. Founder and senior partner of the consultancy company on sustainable development registered in Brussels, Lessmeansmore, Land and Energy Sustainable Systems (2010-2020).