The masterpiece by Pierre Ryckmans (under the pen name of Simon Leys), originally written in French (1971) under the title ‘Chairman Mao’s new clothes’,[1] was widely despised by the French intelligentsia in academia, press and politics at the time of its publication. This was so fundamentally because it contradicted the dominant Western policy of the time – identical in the US under Secretary of State Kissinger and in France under President D’Estaing – of praising China’s communist alternative over the Soviet paradigm.[2]
This is why the most well-documented and researched description of the Chinese Cultural Revolution available in the West made its author, Pierre Ryckmans, become ostracised in France. He subsequently found an ‘exile’ in Canberra, Australia (France Culture, 2014).
Half a century after, the situation is different. Chairman’s Xi coronation as life-long ruler in this week’s Chinese Communist Party Congress does not enjoy the same goodwill in the West as Chairman Mao’s did. By amending the Constitution (and persecuting all rivals) to allow the perpetuation of his own power, Chairman Xi ruined hopes for a Chinese democratic transition; by organising a genocide against East Turkestan’s autochthonous peoples, he showed his lack of respect for humane principles; by threatening Taiwan, disrespecting previous agreements regarding Hong Kong, and promoting expansionism across the South China Sea and the Himalayas, he let it be known how dangerous his rule is to the world.
The picture, however, is still blurred and leads Western leaders to some incoherences and misunderstandings. During the last two decades, China became the world’s number one investment player, a reality the G-7 only recently woke up to (Casaca, 2022-a). China has indeed shown much capacity to challenge the West in several domains (BBC, 2022.07.28).
The Chinese opening to market forces, which started in 1978, was reversed by the present Chinese leadership – which is increasingly relying on mechanisms of human control by the State in the name of social correctness and sanitary purity. As the Soviet example taught us, with a dwindling role of market forces, the logic of capital accumulation leads nowhere. This is what I think will happen in China if it continues to pursue present courses – which, in the light of Xi’s coronation this week, seems likely.
On the geopolitical sphere, the G-7’s attention is still dominated by Russia, following its full-gear invasion of Ukraine. Putin’s attempt to recreate the Soviet Union is however in a shamble. His only credible arm, the nuclear threat, may provoke a lot of destruction; however, if effectively used, it will seal the collapse of his project. China has been an ally and confident of Russia inasmuch as its aggression focuses Western attentions and energies, but it can hardly be seen as a partner in the conventional meaning of the word. China is joyfully occupying the space left void in Central Asia by the diplomatic collapse of Russia (Casaca, 2002-b). It also claims an opposition to the Russian sanctions regime yet adapts such opposition to its own interests (Chimits and Hmaidi, 2022.08.20) – China does not risk bluntly opposing basic mechanisms of the international order; instead, it successfully invests on conquering international institutions from the inside. By contrast with the wide condemnation of Russia for its human-rights abuses, China has recently obtained impunity on its East Turkestan genocide (BBC, 2022.10.07).
Russia’s aggression is therefore the present-day urgent concern, but it should not hide the strategic challenge posed by a totalitarian, expansionist power that has proved capable of being successful in several domains – certainly more successful than Russia. The US – more than Europe – has gradually come to understand this reality during the last fifteen years, the focus on the Indo-Pacific and the alliance with India being a major symbol of that growing concern.
However, when it comes to the Chinese expansion through the Himalayas, and particularly its use of Pakistan as a playground on its offensive against India, the US takes the opposite position – and recently partnered with Communist China in the mounting of Pakistan’s radar systems and air fighters to respond to India’s latest French aviation acquisition (Wolf, 2022).
The US’ claim that the goal is to support Pakistan’s supposed fight against terrorism cannot be taken seriously, as the contrary is most obviously the case. In fact, US-supplied jets were used to cover the rear-guard of terrorist outfits attacking Indian territory.
This support by the US to Jihadism in South Asia – mirrored in the trade domain by the EU’s GSP+ we held under scrutiny in different papers – is irrational (Wolf, 2022). In fact, it is impossible to understand if we consider the decision-making process as deriving from both national and global interests. However, it does become clearer if we take in due consideration the power of enemy lobbies deeply infiltrated in Western power structures.
In a book (Casaca, 2008) – complemented by many papers – I showed how the US and its closest allies were deeply infiltrated by Iran’s imperial Jihadism, and how this infiltration influenced the decision to invade Iraq: another irrational act in the light of Western national and global interests.
In a more recent paper (SADF, 2011) we showed how ‘EU DisinfoLab, a disinformation group fuelled by Jihadist motivations, successfully infiltrated both the US and the EU high leverages of power by masquerading itself as ‘anti-Russian’ – in an operation geared at destroying the alliance of world democracies and promoting Jihadi aggression; an operation with specific impacts on both South Asia and the Greater Middle-East.
The main strategic threat to liberty and humane values in the world is unlikely to come out of the economic success of the capitalist logic under a totalitarian system, but rather from the inability of those who cherish these values to efficiently protect them.
A rational, objectively-informed assessment of the situation and its challenges, coupled with effective provisions against disinformation lobbies, is sine qua non for the G-7 powers to work effectively in containing imperial threats – in the Indo-Pacific, in the Greater Middle East, and elsewhere in the world.
Reference List
Boncenne, P. (Host). (2014, December 28). Pierre Ryckmans (Simon Leys) avec Pierre Boncenne [Audio Podcast Episode]. Radio France.
Brown, D. (2022, July 28). Why China could win the new global arms race. British Broadcasting Corporation.
Casaca, P. (2008). The hidden invasion of Iraq. Acacias Publishing Inc.
Casaca, P. (2022, September 6). Focus 84 – Chinese debt-trap. South Asia Democratic Forum.
DOI: 10.48251/SADF.ISSN.2406-5633.F84
Casaca, P. (2022, September 22). Comment 240 – Kazakhstan and the Russian debacle. South Asia Democratic Forum.
DOI: 10.48251/SADF.ISSN.2406-5617.C240
Chimits, F., & Hmaidi, A. (2022, August 22). China Moves to Fill The Void Left By Russia Sanctions – On Its Own Terms. The Diplomat.
Foulkes, I. (2022, October 7). Why Russia but not China faces human rights action. British Broadcasting Corporation.
Ley, S. (1978). The Chairman’s New Clothes: Mao and the Cultural Revolution. St. Martin’s Press. (Originally published in 1971).
Seibt, S. (2022, October 15). Communist Party’s 20th Congress gets under way, offering clues to China’s future. France24.
South Asia Democratic Forum. (2021, March 9). POLICY BRIEF 11 – Disinformation in the name of the ‘fight against disinformation’.
Wolf, S. O. (2022, October 10). COMMENT 241 – Pakistan and Western Irrationality. South Asia Democratic Forum.
[1] The English edition was titled ‘The Chairman’s new clothes’ without specifically naming Mao.
[2] France Culture (2014) dedicated a remarkable programme on the issue shortly after Rickman’s decease.
Paulo Casaca
Paulo Casaca is the Founder and Executive Director of the ‘South Asia Democratic Forum’; founder of the international co-operation association registered in Brussels ARCHumankind, ‘Alliance to Renew Co-operation among Humankind’. Founder and senior partner of the consultancy company on sustainable development registered in Brussels, Lessmeansmore, Land and Energy Sustainable Systems (2010-2020).