‘India and China at Sea. Competition for Naval Dominance in the Indian Ocean’
Latest book project edited by David Brewster, Member of the SADF Board of Advisors, on ‘India and China at Sea. Competition for Naval Dominance in the Indian Ocean’, published by Oxford University Press.
China and India are emerging as major maritime powers as part of long-term shifts in the regional balance of power. As their wealth, interests, and power grow, the two countries are increasingly bumping up against each other across the Indo-Pacific. China’s growing naval presence in the Indian Ocean is seen by many as challenging India’s aspirations towards regional leadership and major power status. How India and China get along in this shared maritime space—cooperation, coexistence, competition, or confrontation—will be one of the key strategic challenges for the entire region.
‘India and China at Sea’ is an essential resource in understanding how the two countries will interact as major maritime powers in coming decades. The essays in the volume, by noted strategic analysts from across the world, seek to better understand Indian and Chinese perspectives about their roles in the Indian Ocean and their evolving naval strategies towards each other.
David Brewster is a member of the SADF Board of Advisors and a senior research fellow with the National Security College, Australian National University, Canberra, where he works on the Indian Ocean and Indo-Pacific maritime security. He has written extensively on Indian Ocean security and India’s security relationships throughout the Indo-Pacific region. He is the author of numerous academic articles on Indian and Indian Ocean security affairs in international journals, including Asian Security, Pacific Review, India Review, Contemporary South Asia, Journal of Strategic Studies, Asian Survey, Security Challenges, Australian Journal of International Affairs, and Journal of the Indian Ocean Region.
David Brewster
David Brewster is a Visiting Fellow with the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, Distinguished Research Fellow with the Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne, and a Fellow with the Royal Australian Navy Sea Power Centre. He has written extensively on Indian Ocean security and India’s security relationships throughout the Indo-Pacific region.